A. O. Smith S7 RO+SCMT 7-Stage Water Purifier


A. O. Smith’s S7 purifier uses 7 stages of purification that ensures the complete safety of your drinking water. It removes heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, and disease-causing microorganisms. And with its mineralizing technology, it balances the pH level and adds essential minerals back to your drinking water.


The Best Home Water Filter System

A. O. Smith’s S7 purifier uses 7 stages of purification that ensures the complete safety of your drinking water. It removes heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, and disease-causing microorganisms.  Pure water is vital to our children’s health and development. A good in-home water filter can dramatically reduce the level of contaminants in your water.


Why Choose Us


Baby Safe Water

7-stage Purification makes the water so pure that it becomes safe even for babies. It removes heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, and disease-causing microorganisms.


Excellent Protection

The RO+SCMT ensures maximum protection. SCMT (Silver Charged Membrane Technology) provides second level of purification that prevents any potential secondary level contamination. 


Mineralizer Technology

Adds essential minerals like calcium and magnesium into the water which makes it taste fresh and natural. It also balances pH, an essential requirement for healthy drinking water