
The reactors in the BIO-UV UV HO ranges are dimensioned according to the flow rate: it is the combination of the contact time in the reactor, the power of the lamp(s). The consideration of the specific transmission factor of the salt water (85%), less than that of fresh water, that will ensure that the necessary dose (expressed in millijoules per square centimeter or mJ/cm2) sufficient to kill 99.9% of the microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, algae in suspension,...) is received.



  • UV reactors adapted to the flow rates to be treated (0.5 to 1000 m3/h)
  • Reactors that take into consideration the specific turbidity of the water: ensuring the effectiveness of the passage through the UV rays
  • Power in millijoules ensuring true efficiency right to the end of the lamps’ life and guaranteeing the effective destruction of undesirable microorganisms (particularly certain viruses)
  • Permanent back-up at the service of professionals
  • Healthy, crystal-clear water guaranteed
  • Avoids the use of any chemical substances
  • Simple design for ease of maintenance
  • Simple and quick to install
  • No risk to flora and fauna
  • Completely environmentally friendly



  • Specially-adapted reactors made from mirror-polished 316L stainless steel, optimized with UV-C lamps using state-of-the-art technology with High-Intensity (HO) performance
  • Very long lamp life (13 000 hours depending on the number of switchings on)
  • Dedicated electronic ballasts guaranteeing maximum lamp UV efficiency and integrated control
  • Single-base lamps and patented sealing system for an easy maintenance
  • Lamp operating indicator light for each lamp
  • Reduced pressure loss
  • Inlet/outlet connections using unions supplied
  • Drain plug
  • Fastening lugs
  • Maintenance: lamp change and cleaning of the quartz sleeve very quick and simple